I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.

– James Baldwin


Artwork by Jesus Amador

Dense Discovery
Dense Discovery

Welcome to Issue 49!

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Thanks so much to everyone who placed an order for the new Offscreen issue! Sending out the first 2000 copies took our shipper in Berlin a whole week. The first and second batch of orders are on their way and have started arriving in many places around Europe. (See shipping times)

If you’re still new to Offscreen and would like to give it a try, here’s a discount code that gives you 30% off of any one of our back issues: ‘TRYNOW’ (expires next Monday)

As some of you know, the indie magazine scene is bustling. Despite all the talk about print being dead, new titles pop up almost daily – and, yes, sometimes disappear again just as quickly. To highlight some of the exciting emerging and established titles, I’m launching a new regular feature that showcases a different indie magazine each week. We’re also giving away five free copies of every magazine featured to randomly selected DD readers. For a chance to win, all you need to do is to keep reading Dense Discovery! Also, keep an eye on your inbox, we inform the winners via email just before each new DD issue goes out.


Dense Discovery is currently read by over 36,000 subscribers. Support us by (1) Sponsoring an issue, (2) Booking a classified ad, or (3) Sharing this issue with friends and colleagues.


Popdog for Your Next Job SPONSOR


Hi there! We’re Popdog, a digital services company working on exciting new tools to power the future of gaming, esports and live streaming. As a growing team, we’re looking for several new team members, including a frontend and a backend engineer to join us at our office in Los Angeles or remotely. We’re good people and we’d love to hear from you!


Apps & Sites

EasyFinder →

File bookmarking for Mac

EasyFinder works like a bookmarking feature for your files and folders. You just drag frequently used items into the menu bar popup and they become easily and quickly accessible from anywhere.

CopyChar →

Special character directory

Keep this website handy if you use a lot of special characters: you can search across all glyphs, emojis, and symbols to then easily copy them to your clipboard through a simple click.

Nobias →

Understand your media bias

I came across Nobias through a classified in last week’s Dense Discovery and I thought it’s worth featuring here again: this browser plugin indicates how far left or right leaning media outlets are before you click on a news link. It also keeps track of how left or right-biased your media diet is overall.

RSSMailer →

RSS updates via email

This little tool emails you daily updates on any RSS feeds you add to it, allowing you to create email notifier for blogs, profiles, and anything with a feed.


Indie Mag of the Week


Sidetracked →

Sidetracked Magazine is a printed journal featuring the emotional, personal stories of adventure travel, journeys, and expeditions throughout the world.

– Latest Issue: 15
– Frequency: three issues/year
– Formats: print only
– Origin: United Kingdom

We’re giving away five copies to randomly selected DD readers. Keep an eye on your inbox to find out if you’re among them!




Calendar Tape Set →

DIY wall calendar

“Make your own calendar, on any wall, with this set of masking tapes. A genius idea consisting of months, days, date & then a reel for notes as well. Simply align them as you wish and stick to the wall. Easily peeled off once you are done.”


Ora Major →

Star constellation watch

Bringing the joy of stargazing down to earth, Alessio Romano created this cosmic timepiece with a design inspired by ancient constellation charts. As time passes, the red hour and white minute hands intersect across a dial as dark as the night sky, recalling the captivating star charts that connect distant stars. See it animated here.


Overheard on Twitter

Do y’all remember, before the internet, that people thought the cause of stupidity was the lack of access to information? Yeah. It wasn’t that.



Food For Thought

The Serendipity Engine →


Marketer and writer Gianfranco Chicco left his job to take some time off for feeding his ‘Serendipity Engine’: “The Serendipity Engine works just like an internal combustion engine and, like with a high performance muscle car, you need to feed it with the right kind of propellant. In this analogy, the fuel is made of different activities, skills, and conversations.” Further thoughts on serendipity vs. algorithmy.

Why governments should prioritize well-being →


While you may call it mere virtue signalling so far, here are some promising signs of urgently necessary system change: “In 2018, Scotland, Iceland and New Zealand established the network of Wellbeing Economy Governments to challenge the acceptance of GDP as the ultimate measure of a country’s success. In this visionary talk, First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon explains the far-reaching implications of a ‘well-being economy’.”

What the Superhuman Controversy Reveals About the Shifting Ethics of Software →


I’m quite fascinated by how the Superhuman controversy is a great case study for so many far-reaching tech ethics questions: “The real value of read statuses may just be a feeling: being privy to other people’s data, consensually or otherwise, can create a sense of power or control. There’s a certain satisfaction to surveillance. Data isn’t necessarily knowledge, but it can feel like it.”


Aesthetically Pleasing

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Hyperart Thomasson is a Tumblr with ‘unintentional art created by the city itself’.

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Smart, beautiful brand design for Australian bank UBank by Maud.

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Naoko is a sans font-family whose design relies on wide proportions, very short ascenders and light diacritics on all weights.

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We all need more birds on our screens. Follow birdfreaks: ‘Featuring Standout Bird Pics’



Learn HTML & CSS while saving the world from zombies, one laugh at a time. Get your free HTML & CSS, Zombie killing quickstart guide. Death to Boring Programming Books!

Design Tomorrow is a podcast about the making of the future. Each episode is a rich sonic experience that will entertain, inspire, and challenge you to create a better tomorrow.

SuperHi’s brand new Creative Coding online short course. Learn how to work with motion, timings, easings and shapes to create fun animation toys. Available now at superhi.com!

It takes a village to raise good AI. Try hiring a brilliant distributed Data Scientist or Machine Learning Engineer from our North African tech collective with a risk-free pilot.

Classifieds are paid ads that support DD and are seen by 36,000 subscribers each week.

Book yours →


The Week in a GIF


Email us the URL to your favourite GIF and we might feature it here in a future issue.

[email protected]