Advertise in Dense Discovery

Promote your product or service to an audience that is actively looking for recommendations. DD’s engaged, ethically-minded readership consists of tech-savvy creatives, entrepreneurs, thinkers and artists curious about new ways of improving their professional and private lives.

  • Subscribers ~34,000
  • Open / Click rate ~64% / 14% (list is ‘cleaned’ regularly)
  • Top reader origins North America (54%)
    Europe (29%)
    Asia Pacific (11%)
    Other (6%)
  • Occupation profile People in creative and leadership roles working in tech, design, publishing, the arts, media
  • Focus Key topics include design, tech, culture, art, sustainability, urbanism and more
  • Newsletter frequency Once weekly (Tuesday morning AEST)

Options & pricing

Main sponsor

  • 1 sponsor only per issue
  • Prominent top placement
  • Two format options
  • Image, longer text and multiple links possible

More info below $599

Classified ads

  • 4 classifieds per issue
  • Bottom quarter placement
  • Text only, 180 characters
  • Plain text, just one link per classified

More info below $99

Main sponsor

Main sponsor

The main sponsor slot appears in a yellow box in the top section of each issue, right below the issue’s introduction.

Choose from one of the two possible formats below. For many more examples, browse the DD archive.

Sponsor slot format A

Format A has a similar structure to the app recommendations that follow, but includes a square image. Great for promoting digital products or services.

  • Main title 2–5 short words (may be edited)
  • Name & URL Name of your product and URL
  • Byline 5–8 words that summarise your product
  • Description The description of your product (280 characters max)
  • Image A square image (JPG only, 800 by 800 pixels). The image should not contain fine details or text that competes with the text next to it. Simple photos or illustrations work best to get attention.

Sponsor slot format B

Format B has an image with just one block of text next to it. Ideal for agencies, image campaigns, longer announcements etc.

  • Main title 2–5 short words (may be edited)
  • Description The main body text (450 characters max, can contain multiple links and some text in bold/italics)
  • Image A square image (JPG only, 800 by 800 pixels). The image should not contain fine details or text that competes with the text next to it. Simple photos or illustrations work best to get attention.

Many of our sponsors book a classified ad (see below) a few weeks before and after their main sponsor slot to keep the brand top-of-mind with DD readers. To make multiple bookings, get in touch.

Classified ads

Classified Ads

Each issue of DD contains 4 text-based classified ads in the bottom quarter of the newsletter. Classifieds are limited to 180 characters of plain text and only one link. For many more examples, browse the DD archive.

To book multiple classifieds on different dates or to combine a classified with a main sponsor slot, please get in touch.


In early 2021, Alex Hillman booked two sponsor slots to promote his book Tiny.MBA and shared the results of his campaign online afterwards. He sold over 100 books with an impressive conversion rate of close to 8% (resulting in a four-fold ROI). His second sponsor slot a couple of months later performed similarly, but with an even better conversion rate.

(Every advertising campaign performs differently and these numbers do not represent an expected average performance.)

Past sponsors

Availability & bookings

Click on the button below to view the current ad calendar, then click on any available slot to book your ads. If all slots are currently booked, add your email address to our waitlist below.

View availability + book a slot →

You will receive a tax receipt via email after your booking. Please reply to that email with any questions, or email Kai directly. All ad bookings are subject to DD’s ad terms.


Sometimes ads in DD sell out within hours after new slots open up. Add your email address below to receive a short email update whenever new classified and sponsor slots are released. (Slots are usually released in quarterly blocks).

Your email address will not be added to any other lists. You can unsubscribe at any time.

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View availability & book a slot → For questions or larger bookings contact Kai.